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How can I make a part destroy on a local script?

Asked by
Cikeruw 14
3 years ago

Ive tried using

local stagenumber = script.Parent local function hit() wait(3) stagenumber:Destroy() end stagenumber.Touched:Connect(hit)

I don't think I could use either

I fixed it instead of using stage.value = stage.value + 1 you just do stage.value = 1 Cikeruw 14 — 3y

1 answer

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Answered by
epoke466 100
3 years ago

I am not sure if you are using a local script to purposely destroy a part for a single client, but if you want to destroy a part for every player you need to do it from a module script of from a server script. You could use a remote event to connect between the scripts.

I am trying to make it destroy for only one player Cikeruw 14 — 3y
Im trying to make an obby stage counter that shows your stage and it keeps going up every time they touch it so I want to make it destroy for only one player so the other players can get the stage counter without it destroying for everyone Cikeruw 14 — 3y
Sorry, you could try having the part parented to the camera so only one player could see it. epoke466 100 — 3y
Do you know how obbys show their players stages on the leaderboard Cikeruw 14 — 3y

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