well my script is for a clicking sim and i am trying to save my leadersats!
local ds = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("LeaderBoardSave")
game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player) local folder = Instance.new("Folder", player) folder.Name = "leaderstats"
local val = Instance.new("IntValue") val.Name = "Clicks" val.Value = 0 val.Parent = player.leaderstats local val2 = Instance.new("IntValue") val2.Name = "Rebirths" val2.Value = 0 val2.Parent = player.leaderstats local val3 = Instance.new("IntValue") val3.Name = "Coins" val3.Value = 0 val3.Parent = player.leaderstats local val4 = Instance.new("IntValue") val4.Name = "Gems" val4.Value = 0 val4.Parent = player.leaderstats local stats = ds:GetAsync(player.UserId) if stats ~= nil then val.Value = stats[1] val2.Value = stats[2] val3.Value = stats[3] val4.Value = stats[4] else val.Value = 0 val2.Value = 0 val3.Value = 0 val4.Value = 0 end
game.Players.PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(player) local save = {}
table:insert(save, player.leaderstats.Clicks.Value) table:insert(save, player.leaderstats.Rebirths.Value) table:insert(save, player.leaderstats.Coins.Value) table:insert(save, player.leaderstats.Gems.Value) ds:SetAsync(player.UserId, save)
game:BindToClose(function() wait(1.25) end)``
Well for leaderstats i wouldnt use a table, i prefer to save it to multiple asyncs. A SaveAsync uses first the "key" to the information. The key is what will have to be used by the GetAsync in order to load the data. So say for example saving your rebirths would go as follows:
LeaderBoardSave:SetAsync(Player.UserId"-rebirths", *Player.Leaderstats.Rebirths.Value)
just remember this isnt eactly for your game, but it should give you a good guideline to go off of. Getting the Async for your rebirths would go like this:
RebirthsData = LeaderBoardSave:GetAsync(Player.UserId.."-Rebirths")
when you want to set the value just type:
Player.Leaderstats.Rebirths.Value = RebirthsData
I hope this helps, and also you will have to do this for each value. This is the only way i know to save data.