I am kind of new to roblox studio and one thing I have wanted to do is make a working highway. I don't really know much about scripting and I really want to know how to do this. Now if you do know how to make obstacles an extras like that, I am happy to learn. I am not asking for that but if you do know please tell. I would love to know. I looked on YouTube, and every video is fake or outdated. Anyone want to help?
I am here to come to your aid.
So, first of all, I have published a model to make this easier.
Second of all, lets start scripting!
Add a script in the workspace and name it "CarPassingScript".
Then insert this code inside the script:
local model = workspace.CarModel -- If you change the name of the CarModel in the workspace, you will have to rename this accordingly. Make sure you don't make a spelling mistake! local car = model.CarPassingBy local TS = game:GetService("TweenService") -- Using the GetService() function to get TweenService local TI = TweenInfo.new(4 --[[By using TimeLength it will take 3.7 seconds because of how long the "Running" audio sound is.--]],Enum.EasingStyle.Linear,Enum.EasingDirection.In,0,false,0) -- The properties in here are time, easingStyle, easingDirection, repeatCount, will it reverse (e.g, false) and delay time in that order. while wait(5) do local clone = car:clone() -- Cloning the car is basically duplicating it, self-explanatory. clone.Parent = workspace -- We must set the parent or else we won't see it because it doesn't exist. print(clone) local Tween = TS:Create(clone.Seat,TI,{Position = model.CarPassingByEndPos.Seat.Position}) -- Okay, let me explain what the tween does. We get the instance (in this case, the car seat), then we get our info (previously elaborated), then we get the position. Tween:Play() -- We play the tween. Tween.Completed:Connect(function() clone:Destroy() -- Destroying the clone end) end
Thank you for (probably) listening.