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Why is my data not storing correctly?

Asked by
SkiH1gh 14
2 years ago

Hello! I've been trying to make a datastore system, but something is going wrong. Whenever I store my data, it gives a weird number. For instance, when I join the game and set up Class-D experience to 4, Security Department experience to 6, clearance level to 7, and global experience to 3 and leave, this is what it prints: 0_0_0_0_ In theory, it should print 3_7_4_6_, but it doesn't.

--[[ // Description
Manage all main Data by storing it and gathering it. Data is stored in strings and decrypted using string.split()

--// Services
local DataStoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local PlayerService = game:GetService("Players")

--// Variables
local DataStoreKey = "DevelopmentStage 3/5/2022 #4" -- Change to erase or restore data (global)
local DataStore = DataStoreService:GetDataStore(DataStoreKey)

--// Logic

function FolderGatherCreate(playerModel) -- returns the folders if present, if not it creates the folders and then returns them.
    if playerModel:FindFirstChild("Data") ~= nil then -- Data folders are present
        return playerModel.Data
    else -- Data folders are not present
        local DataFolder ="Folder")
        local TeamData ="Folder")
        local GlobalExperience ="IntValue")
        local KeycardClearanceLevel ="IntValue")

        local ClassDFolder ="Folder")
        local ClassDExperience ="IntValue")

        local SecurityDeptFolder ="Folder")
        local SecurityDeptExperience ="IntValue")
        DataFolder.Name = "Data"
        DataFolder.Parent  = playerModel

        GlobalExperience.Name = "GlobalExperience"
        GlobalExperience.Parent = DataFolder
        GlobalExperience.Value = 0

        KeycardClearanceLevel.Name = "ClearanceLevel"
        KeycardClearanceLevel.Parent = DataFolder
        KeycardClearanceLevel.Value = 0

        ClassDFolder.Name = "ClassD"
        ClassDFolder.Parent = DataFolder

        ClassDExperience.Name = "Experience"
        ClassDExperience.Parent = ClassDFolder
        ClassDExperience.Value = 0

        SecurityDeptFolder.Name = "SecurityDepartment"
        SecurityDeptFolder.Parent = DataFolder

        SecurityDeptExperience.Name = "Experience"
        SecurityDeptExperience.Parent = SecurityDeptFolder
        SecurityDeptExperience.Value = 0

        return DataFolder

PlayerService.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(playerJoined) -- Runs when a player joins the game
    --// Variables
    local playerID = playerJoined.UserId
    local DataFolder = FolderGatherCreate(playerJoined)

    --// Logic
    task.wait(0.1) -- Give time for Datastores to load

    if DataStore:GetAsync(playerID) ~= nil then
        --// Variables
        local DataGathered = DataStore:GetAsync(playerID)
        local splits = string.split(DataGathered[1],"_")

        --//Apply Changes
        DataFolder.GlobalExperience.Value = tonumber(splits[1])
        DataFolder.ClearanceLevel.Value = tonumber(splits[2])
        DataFolder.ClassD.Experience.Value = tonumber(splits[3])
        DataFolder.SecurityDepartment.Experience.Value = tonumber(splits[4])

PlayerService.PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(playerRemoved) -- Runs when a player leaves the game
    local DataFolder = FolderGatherCreate(playerRemoved)
    local StoreString = tostring(DataFolder.GlobalExperience.Value) .. "_" .. tostring(DataFolder.ClearanceLevel.Value) .. "_" .. tostring(DataFolder.ClassD.Experience.Value) .. "_" .. tostring(DataFolder.SecurityDepartment.Experience.Value) .. "_"
    print(StoreString) -- for debugging.
    DataStore:SetAsync(playerRemoved.UserId, {StoreString,true})
Unrelated question here, what is task.wait()? RAFA1608 543 — 2y
Also, I think that the player is fully disconnected once your script checks for it's UserId, but that might just be me. RAFA1608 543 — 2y
The table saved seems to not specify what is considered "first" and what is considered "second", so that might be a reason why it doesn't load correctly RAFA1608 543 — 2y
For the task.wait() question, task.wait() is soon going to be replacing wait() because it's essentially deprecated. SkiH1gh 14 — 2y
View all comments (2 more)
By any chance, are you setting the values yourself in the file explorer/ property tab, from the client? Since it doesn't change anything on the server (which explains why it all reads 0) unless if you switch to the server, it naturally won't detect those changes, due to filtering enabled, and all that jazz. RAFA1608 543 — 2y
Otherwise, I don't see any other problem. RAFA1608 543 — 2y

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