hii!! i made this fourcorners script for whenever someone chats and says the word commands, but for some reason whenever anyone includes the symbol ";" it removes the four corners. can anyone help?
game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player) -- runs every time a player joins player.Chatted:Connect(function(msg) if player:GetRankInGroup(11882122) >= 5 then if msg == "!fourcorners" or msg == ":fourcorners" then if workspace:FindFirstChild("FourCorners") then else print("added") game.ReplicatedStorage.FourCorners.Parent = workspace end elseif msg == "!delete corners" or msg == ":delete corners" or "!remove corners" or msg == ":remove corners" then game.Workspace:FindFirstChild("FourCorners").Parent = game.ReplicatedStorage print("removed") elseif msg == "!start fourcorners" or msg == ":start fourcorners" then if workspace:FindFirstChild("FourCorners") then else workspace.FourCorners.WorkFourcorners.Disabled = false end elseif msg == "!end fourcorners" or msg == ":end fourcorners" then if workspace:FindFirstChild("FourCorners") then else workspace.FourCorners.WorkFourcorners.Disabled = true end end end end) end)