This is supposed to change the GUI in a couple seconds but it's not working.
wait(5) game.workspace.StarterGui.GUI1.Visible=false game.Workspace.StarterGui.GUI2.Visible = true
StarterGui is not a child of workspace and changing the StarterGui would not change anything for anyone until they respawn. GUI elements must also be placed within a ScreenGui object. In order to change GUIs on-screen instantly, you must do this through a LocalScript, you'd have to place it in the StarterGui and set the code as:
wait(5) player = game.Players.LocalPlayer player.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.GUI1.Visible = false player.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.GUI2.Visible = true
That would change the the visibility of the GUIs for the current player after 5 seconds. If you want to change the visibility for everyone at the same time you would place this code within in a script in Workspace:
wait(5) for i, v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do v.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.GUI1.Visible = false v.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.GUI2.Visible = true wait() end
Please send me a PM on Roblox if you need further help.
So players don't have StarterGuis they have PlayerGuis That being said, you can get to it by putting a LOCALSCRIPT inside the StarterGui, and get the player by doing script.parent.parent
Workspace doesn't have StarterGui in it, but game does.
I don't think the screenGui has a Visible property, the FRAME does.
So the improved script would be
make sure this is in a localscript in StarterGui
player = script.Parent.Parent wait(5) player.PlayerGui.GUI1.Frame.Visible = false player.PlayerGui.GUI2.Frame.Visible = true
I hope this helps