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why is the instance nil for my character?

Asked by 2 years ago

thank you in advance.

why does it say the the variable is nil when it is supposed to be the local player?

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")

local Event = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("run")

local function running(player)
    local old = player.Character

    local data ="StringValue",player.Character) -- stores the old character
    data.Value = player.Name = player.Character:Clone()
    wait() = ReplicatedStorage.stores

    local new = game.ReplicatedStorage:FindFirstChild("flash"):Clone()
    player.Character = new

    new.Parent = game.Workspace
    new.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 60

    new.Head.trailOuter.Enabled = true
    new.Head.trailInner.Enabled = true
    player.Character.Head.trailLight.Enabled = true
    player.Character.Head.lightningParticle.Enabled = true

    player.Character.UpperTorso.trailOuter.Enabled = true
    player.Character.UpperTorso.trailInner.Enabled = true
    player.Character.UpperTorso.trailLight.Enabled = true
    player.Character.UpperTorso.lightningParticle.Enabled = true

    player.Character.RightUpperLeg.trailOuter.Enabled = true
    player.Character.RightUpperLeg.trailInner.Enabled = true
    player.Character.RightUpperLeg.trailLight.Enabled = true
    player.Character.RightUpperLeg.lightningParticle.Enabled = true

    player.Character.RightUpperArm.trailOuter.Enabled = true
    player.Character.RightUpperArm.trailInner.Enabled = true
    player.Character.RightUpperArm.trailLight.Enabled = true
    player.Character.RightUpperArm.lightningParticle.Enabled = true

    player.Character.RightHand.trailOuter.Enabled = true
    player.Character.RightHand.trailInner.Enabled = true
    player.Character.RightHand.trailLight.Enabled = true
    player.Character.RightHand.lightningParticle.Enabled = true

    player.Character.RightFoot.trailOuter.Enabled = true
    player.Character.RightFoot.trailInner.Enabled = true
    player.Character.RightFoot.trailLight.Enabled = true
    player.Character.RightFoot.lightningParticle.Enabled = true

    player.Character.LeftUpperLeg.trailOuter.Enabled = true
    player.Character.LeftUpperLeg.trailInner.Enabled = true
    player.Character.LeftUpperLeg.trailLight.Enabled = true
    player.Character.LeftUpperLeg.lightningParticle.Enabled = true

    player.Character.LeftUpperArm.trailOuter.Enabled = true
    player.Character.LeftUpperArm.trailInner.Enabled = true
    player.Character.LeftUpperArm.trailLight.Enabled = true
    player.Character.LeftUpperArm.lightningParticle.Enabled = true

    player.Character.LeftHand.trailOuter.Enabled = true
    player.Character.LeftHand.trailInner.Enabled = true
    player.Character.LeftHand.trailLight.Enabled = true
    player.Character.LeftHand.lightningParticle.Enabled = true

    player.Character.LeftFoot.trailOuter.Enabled = true
    player.Character.LeftFoot.trailInner.Enabled = true
    player.Character.LeftFoot.trailLight.Enabled = true
    player.Character.LeftFoot.lightningParticle.Enabled = true


use ObjectValue instead of StringValue on line 8 of the code you provided lmao greatneil80 2647 — 2y

1 answer

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Answered by
NGC4637 602 Moderation Voter
2 years ago
Edited 2 years ago

line 8 -9:

first of all don't use parent parameter of, and set parent property after you set other propertoes, this is why (summary: it is slow)

PSA: Don’t use with parent argument

second, like greatneil80 said, you can use ObjectValue instead

anyways here is what you can replace with

local data ="ObjectValue")
data.Value = player
data.Parent = player.Character

line 15, why use game.ReplicatedStorage when you already referenced ReplicatedStorage in line 1 :v

line 19, use workspace or game:GetService("Workspace") instead of game.Workspace. (yes, Workspace is a service. so is Players, Lighting, StarterGui etc., workspace is a global variable, like game)

you should flip line 19 and 20, to prevent unnecessary replication (which is the same reason why, parent) is slower than

line 24-70, why not use the new variable :v you know variables can be reused a lot of times right-

the script is working, however i cannot store the local players charcter gymsharklife1 54 — 2y

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