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How can I make a thermal imager?

Asked by 3 years ago

I have a thermal imager that works somehow. Why "somehow"?Because all it does is turning the atmosphere purple and make any kind of noise when it is turned on.

For confirmation, here's my local script:

local Color = game.Lighting.ColorCorrection
local tool = script.Parent
local sound  = tool.Handle.Sound

    Color.Enabled = true

    Color.Enabled = false

I give you the link:

A bit too small picture.I'll explain it to you. The screenshot comes from the popular roblox game "isle".

The player can see other players from behind the wall.And now the main question: How do I do that?My point is, for example, what articles from devforum can I use to do this project.How can you make other players appear behind the wall, and then in yellow?

If anyone starts to write "scripting helpers is for helping with writing scripts, not copying them" then listen to my statement.I don't have to ask anyone about it and I urgently need help. If you help me with the project, I can even send you this thermal imager.

Plz please reply quickly KotyOceloty

you could put surfacegui's on every surface of the player, and enable AlwaysOnTop (allows the ability to see through walls). And in each surfacegui you could have a yellow frame Omzure 94 — 3y
And use region3 NotThatFamouss 605 — 3y
what is region3? KotyOceloty 25 — 3y

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