So I am creating an Authentication system. Once the server script verifies that the player is entering the correct password, it clones a folder in ServerScriptService which has everything that is necessary for the system to continue working. But things didn't turn out the way I intended it to; the script only clones half of the Folders.
Server Script: (Not the entire script, only part of the block that's broken)
local c = UiFold:Clone() wait() for i, childs in pairs(c:GetChildren()) do print(i .. " | " .. childs.Name) childs.Parent = Panel.Main wait() Panel.Main.Authentication:Destroy() Panel.Main.Home.Visible = true end wait() c:Destroy()
Client: (Again, not the entire script)
function AuthenticatePlayer() if not table.find(Admins, plr.UserId) then plr:Kick("\n Breach attempt has been identified \n Level 03 %err breach") end if Code.Text ~= "" then local Event = Authenticate:InvokeServer(Code.Text) end end Btn.MouseButton1Click:Connect(AuthenticatePlayer)
Here are a few screenshots:
PS: I've tried making the wait a little longer for the script to process it, still the same result
I tried parenting the folder into main, still the same result
I've solved the issue. It turns out I just had to... Resort the script lines and not destroy the Authentication..? I don't really know what's happening, but it's just Roblox being Roblox, I guess.