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(HD Admin) There is a way where a HeadAdmin can pban a player?

Asked by 3 years ago

Is a little bit useless that HeadAdmins only can ban player from the current server and not every server. There is a way to change this n the scripts?

So, you wish to allow HeadAdmins the command "pban", I'll look to it! MiAiHsIs1226 189 — 3y

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Answered by 3 years ago

So you wish to allow "HeadAdmins" to use "permBan"?

It's pretty easy, but first I'll need to address something

HD Admin uses a module in order to run commands.

That module has 25,425 descendants, and 3,081 parts...

So inserting that inside studio could well almost crash it.

But, the answer is inside the Settings Module.

If you go to line 211 inside the module, you can allow certain admins to use a specific command/commands.

And there ya go!

Thanks! benjinanas 50 — 3y

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