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I dont know if this is an allowed question, but what is the best way to learn scripting?

Asked by 3 years ago

I have been scripting for over a year now and I still am not able to make simple games and have never finished a game that I have started, I have watched tutorials on youtube but they just do not give enough information about scripting, I was just wondering if there is a better way of learning.

thanks to everyone who answered therealjimmybob 22 — 3y

4 answers

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Answered by 3 years ago

So i am practically new to scripting and i have problems myself but i think the easiest way is to look at tutorials and get into the exploiting community (dont exploit for gain though) besides any of those i would say to look at free models and read over the scripts.

Well this isn't exactly a good way, in my opinion. But I'm not gonna say it's a bad thing, either. All depends on preference. Antelear 185 — 3y
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Answered by 3 years ago

Try peaspods beginner scripting tutorials, you could also pick apart free models and try to understand them.

Roblox has official tutorials aswell.

Also, check around the devforum for any questions you might have,

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Answered by 3 years ago
Edited 3 years ago

( try this tutorials i learn by his ttutorials pretty quickly

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Answered by
SuperPuiu 497 Moderation Voter
3 years ago

I learnt scripting by searching on google different things, I dont think YT is the best place to learn scripting. You should also look in toolbox scripts to learn new things.

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