I was making a system which would take your tool and give you a specific amount of gems assigned in a module for each of the tools:
OmegaCrimsonDumpling = { cost = 14000000000; name = "OmegaCrimsonDumpling"; diamond = 40;
And so basically when I try to check if the tool has the "diamond" string in the module I get an error.
The "check" code:
local module = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.PelmenStats) workspace.FloppaTraderExchange101.Dialog.DialogChoiceSelected:Connect(function(plr, choice) print("1") if choice.Name == "Trade" then print("2") if plr.Character:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Tool") then print("3") local tool = plr.Character:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Tool") tostring(tool) if module.Stat[tool]:FindFirstChild("diamond") then -- Part with the error. print("4") print("Success") end end end end)
Any possible solutions?