I've seen,
myvariablename = "String"
I've seen,
MyVariableName = "String"
I've seen,
myVariableName = "String"
I've seen,
my_variable_name = "String"
I know these all work the same but which one is best?
I wouldn't say there is a "best" way to format your variables. I guess it's just down to personal preference.
I'll tend to use myVariableName (First word is lower-case, rest are upper-case).
I use MyVariableName. It does not really matter, use the one you like.
Very technically speaking, the one with the most lowercase letters and the least amount of charcters would be the best.
But really .. that's so, so, so small that it's neglegible. It really comes down to personal preferences, as said by the others.
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