local part = game.Workspace.focusPart local pos1 = part.Position - (part.Size/2) local pos2 = part.Position + (part.Size/2) local region = Region3.new(pos1, pos2) local ignoreList = {part, game.Workspace.Baseplate} local hint = Instance.new("Hint", game.Workspace) while true do wait(2) regionFind = workspace:FindPartsInRegion3WithIgnoreList(region, ignoreList, math.huge) for i, parts in pairs(regionFind) do if parts.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then print("found player") part.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Bright green") hint.Text = "Player in team base!" print("running") else print("no player") end end end
when i step into the region is changes to green while also changing the hint text to player found however it also prints "no" even tho there is an else. why does it still continue into the else part of the code even when the player is in the region? Ive tried making another conditional checking if no players where in the region, but it was no help