I had a big problem with this and messed it up so badly that I don't know why I decided to delete the entire script, now I want to do it lustfully.
After joining the player's server, I want the server to check if the player's name contains a given phrase. np."NotFound" or "DreamStan".If the player contains phrases, then print "Something"
I don't really need the entire script (unless it's simple), I just need an article on this topic or a tutorial and what script to place
Sorry to everyone I don't have any script but they blocked me on DevHub and I have nobody to ask for help (because I have no friends)
You can use string.find
game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(plr) if string.find(plr.Name, 'DreamStan') or string.find(plr.Name,'NotFound') then print('ok') end end)
You can also do
game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(plr) local lower = plr.Name:lower() if lower:find('dreamstan') or lower:find('notfound') then print('ok') end end)