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how to make Overhead gui display stats above 0, 0?

Asked by 3 years ago

I'm working on a button stat simulator type game and this problem has been bugging me for months ( and something like this happens, i cant display Super prestige higher than prestige in the over head gui and it overlaps, help

Do you mean the super prestige is not appearing? NotThatFamouss 605 — 3y
No, it is overlapping prestige User#34538 0 — 3y
Are you able to post the GUI in the workspace? NotThatFamouss 605 — 3y
I'm assuming this is a billboard gui, can you please provide the size offset? MendozaHM3SBulldog 32 — 3y
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Doesn't happen to me when I try to recreate your issue Xapelize 2658 — 3y
Can you provide the Prestige and Super Prestige's Size Offset pls pls plssssssssssss Xapelize 2658 — 3y
Its a billboard gui, its size offset is 0, 0 its stud offset 0, 4, 0, the prestige offset is 0, 0 and so is super prestige User#34538 0 — 3y

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