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SurfaceGui: Can't make a frame scale properly?

Asked by 10 years ago

I made a Surface Gui where there's 2 frames, one can scale {1,0} {1, 0} (PERFECTLY FINE) the second one which is the children of the first frame cannot bypass (for Y axis) {.77}, because it'll just disappear! I even went to the smallest decimal and it ends at .77

I think I have an idea of what's going on, but can you give us enough information that we can exactly reproduce this? What are all all of the properties of the Surface GUI and the Size/Position of the two frames (and what is the hierarchy?) -- Screenshots of the Properties tab might be easiest for everyone BlueTaslem 18071 — 10y
Properties: Part > SurfaceGui > Main(Scale: {1,0}{1,0} and Transparency = 1) > Frame(Scale: {1,0}, {0.76, 0}, Zindex = 2) the rest is default. zipper01 62 — 10y
Sorry, I meant for Position it's {0,0}, {0.76, 0} and Frame's Scale is {1, 0 } {0, 100} zipper01 62 — 10y

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