Okay so I have a part that drops clones of a part that does damage. But I need an infinite amount of clones, because I need to copy and paste this block over a few times
But what my script does is drop a part, then pick it back up and drop it again, but this doesn't work with many parts
Here's the script:
rock = workspace.Fallen:Clone() pos = script.Parent while true do wait(math.random(2,4)) rock.Parent = workspace rock.Position = pos.Position end
Since 'rock' is assigned to workspace.Fallen:Clone()
only, it would make sense that the part is re-positioned to the position of 'pos'.
'rock' is only referring to the cloned version of workspace.Fallen and nothing else. The 'while' loop doesn't create more, it is only using the same old 'rock', not making new clones.
Just reposition your 'rock' variable after the wait(math.random(2,4))
pos = script.Parent while true do wait(math.random(2,4)) rock = workspace.Fallen:Clone() -- This will clone and re-position that clone every 2-4 seconds(with a new clone, of course) rock.Parent = workspace rock.Position = pos.Position end
Compare the aforementioned code from this:
rock = workspace.Fallen:Clone() -- This is cloning 'workspace.Fallen'. pos = script.Parent while true do wait(math.random(2,4)) rock.Parent = workspace -- This will set the parent of 'workspace.Fallen's' same old clone rock.Position = pos.Position -- This will re-position the same old clone of 'rock' end
You need to create a local clone each time it does this. Before the script was using the same clone just positioning it over and over again. Here is an example:
pos = script.Parent while true do wait(math.random(2,4)) local rock = workspace.Fallen:Clone() rock.Parent = workspace rock.Position = pos.Position end
Now it should create a new clone stored in a variable then you can do whatever you want to this variable and because it is local it will create a new one every time you loop!
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