I need help with a body velocity being glitchy, here's an example video (Along with the code used)
local function addKnockback(root,vel,lifeTime,friendly) local kb = Instance.new("BodyVelocity",root) if not friendly then -- friendly means that if it is not the target, it will give a different name, not really important. kb.Name = "KnockbackBV" else kb.Name = "PushBV" end kb.MaxForce = Vector3.new(math.huge,0,math.huge) -- Setting Body Velocity's Max Force to math.huge kb.Velocity = vel -- this is just setting the velocity of the body velocity. game.Debris:AddItem(kb,lifeTime) -- We need to destroy the force so it doesn't go on forever end
I tried to make this as detailed as I could, please let me know if you need more details!