I am trying to make a char command that goes like /char (players display name) (model name) All the models are in the script but I am trying to get it to detect the models name in message and then turn the player into that model The script so far is this but I am stuck on it I do not know if any is wrong but I do not know where to go from here any help in this would be very helpful
local characters = game.ServerScriptService.AdminCmds local commands = {} local prefix = "/" local function findPlayer(name) for i, player in pairs (game.Players:GetPlayers()) do if string.lower(player.) end end local function findModel(name) local Model = (characters:GetChildren()) local oldCharacter = player.Character local newCharacter = Model. end commands.SetPlayerModel = function(sender, arguments) -- sender: Obeject / arguments end game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player) player.Chatted:Connect(function(message, recipient) message = string.lower(message) local splitString = message:split(" ") -- ("/SetPlayerModel","username","character") local slashCommand = splitString[1] -- "/SetPlayerModel" local cmd = slashCommand:split(prefix) -- {"/","SetPlayerModel"} local cmdName = cmd[2] if commands[cmdName] then local arguments = {} -- Contain the next split parts of the message (e.g player name, Model name) for i = 2,#splitString, 1 do table.insert(arguments,splitString[i]) end commands[cmdName](player) --Fired our SetPlayerModel end end) end)