I tried searching it on the web and was trying to makxe my script but it doesn't work. what I want to do is have the script make the value (pos,32,zpos) where xpos and ypos are random numbers between 92 and -92.
little function i whipped up .... Might have some bugs in it as i've havent tested it fully but heres the function and how to call it for your random Vector3 Pos:
local function RandomPos(XMin,XMax,YMin,YMax,ZMin,ZMax) local XRMin = math.random() * XMin local XRMax = math.random() * XMax local YRMin = math.random() * YMin local YRMax = math.random() * YMax local ZRMin = math.random() * ZMin local ZRMax = math.random() * ZMax local function Check(Min,Max) if(Min > Max)then return math.random(Max,Min) end return math.random(Min,Max) end local NewX = math.random()*Check(XRMin,XRMax) local NewY = math.random()*Check(YRMin,YRMax) local NewZ = math.random()*Check(ZRMin,ZRMax) return Vector3.new(NewX,NewY,NewZ) end --// How to call this function for i=1, 100 do local Pos = RandomPos(-92,92,0,0,-92,92) --// this bit is to "Show" the function in operation in the workspace with a part at the new random position! local Part = (function() local P = Instance.new("Part",workspace) P.Anchored = true P.Position = Pos -- Assign this new part its position generated by the above RandomPos Funct end)() wait() end
Hope this helps! :)