I've never really had a use for JSONEncode (function in HttpService) but I felt like figuring out how it was used incase I might need to know it in the future so I wanted to test if someone on ScriptingHelpers knew the answer.
Hiya, JSONEncode is useful for transforming a Lua table to a JSON object or array.
Although there are limits to this function.
A good use for this function is when you're sending JSON data to a Discord Webhook to send a message in a specific channel.
An example of this is:
local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService") local WebhookURL = "https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/xxxxxx/xxxxxxx" local MessageData = { ["content"] = "Hoi, Test Message arrived!" } MessageData = HttpService:JSONEncode(MessageData) -- We used JSONEncode to convert the Lua Table into a Json String HttpService:PostAsync(WebhookURL, MessageData)
this is an example I found on the Roblox DevForum (https://devforum.roblox.com/t/discord-webhooks-integrating-roblox-with-discord/458366)
I hope this helps you with your scripts in the future! If you don't understand anything I just said, feel free to comment on this post telling me! :)