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How to make screen buttons?

Asked by 11 years ago

How do you make a screen button gui thing that make so, for example, if you click it and you have a hunger script, it will raise your hunger? (Not just a normal button on the ground, it stays on your screen, right side of screen, and wherever you move your view, its on the screen with you.)

Note: I know how to insert a screen button, but how do you make so it effects your hunger, and raises your hunger when clicked?

3 answers

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Answered by 11 years ago

put this in a script inside the TextButton. tell me if you need anything else on it.

1gui = script.Parent--first we find the gui button
2hungerval = gui.Value-- then create a NumberValue in the TextButton
3gui.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()-- and now when the event fires we will lower how hungey the player is. (e.g. 100 = not hungery, 50 = hungery, 1 = staving)
4hungerval.Value = hungerval.Value - 15--lower the hunger and boom
It didn't work, but was i supposed to make a gui button? Please reply and tell me all the details. Also, am i supposed to put it in startergui? I am new at scripting so i don't know. BreBreGaming 10 — 11y
yes you need to do all that you asked. chabad360 34 — 11y
Ok, but i tried to enter a gui button, by going on workspace and clicking insert basic object but it wasn't there :( BreBreGaming 10 — 11y
right click on StarterGui, mouse over "insert basic object" and click ScreenGui, then right click on the ScreenGui, mouse over "insert basic object" and click TextButton, then right click on the TextButton, mouse over "insert basic object" and click Script and put the script i gave you it the script you inserted. chabad360 34 — 11y
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Answered by 11 years ago

I think you're talking about a GUI Button, that you'd have to have roblox studio for. Click edit on your game, then insert a GUI Button.. It's pretty simple seeing it. Although this isn't really scripting help.

Yes, i understand how to make the buttons, but how do you make it activate and make your hunger go up? BreBreGaming 10 — 11y
You need to make a script for that, we don't make scripts, we help you with them. PiggyJingles 358 — 11y
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Answered by
Marolex 45
11 years ago

Please provide explanation with your answers. Simply posting code does not spread knowledge of integral scripting processes which helps people understand the logic and reasoning behind your answer.


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