Welding ROBLOX weapons, parts scattered around the map? [closed]
Hi SH,
I've made and scripted an AWP for a game I have in mind, but on usage, (mind you, it's fully welded) I see some parts are missing, and they're scattered around the baseplate. I don't know if it's a failure of my Weld Script, or anything.
This is my weld script:
02 | local W = Instance.new( "Weld" ) |
05 | local CJ = CFrame.new(x.Position) |
06 | local C 0 = x.CFrame:inverse()*CJ |
07 | local C 1 = y.CFrame:inverse()*CJ |
14 | if A.className = = "Part" then |
15 | Weld(script.Parent.Handle, A) |
18 | local C = A:GetChildren() |
29 | script.Parent.Equipped:connect(Finale) |
30 | script.Parent.Unequipped:connect(Finale) |
I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Help?