I wanted to resize all the brick in a model, but want them in the original position they're currently in. Here's the logical process. 1. Take its current value and store it somewhere. 2. resize the brick(And it'll move due to collision check. Keep in mind all bricks are anchored)3. Move the brick in its original position. All that to say, what am I doing wrong? It wont go to its original position. I tried CFrame but it loses its rotational values.
local g = script.Parent["plane.028_plane.018"]:GetChildren() for i=1, #g do local Stance = Instance.new("Vector3Value",g[i]) Stance.Name = "Vector" Stance.Value = g[i].Position g[i].Size = g[i].Size + Vector3.new(4.8,0,0) g[i].Position = g[i].Vector.Value end
for _, v in pairs(script.Parent["plane.028_plane.018"]:GetChildren()) do --v will be the part local position = v.Position v.Size = v.Size + Vector3.new(4.8,0,0) v.Position = position end
Cannot test this since I'm at school, best of luck and if this doesn't work then reply with error message