am trying to make a stand that gives lanterns.
but the lantern disappears when anyone grabs it so I am making a work around by putting it in replicated storage and copying it so that there is still a lantern for the next time one is grabbed!
but when I run the game. one lantern respawns but the copy is not there ( I don't even know if it copies)
error is on line 16
--- THIS IS THE RSS, HANDS UP (aperiently any three letters together sounds like a goverment agency name) local RSS = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") ---repaeat while true do ---wait for random time wait(1) ---check if lantern does not exist in workspace local existance = game.Workspace.south_side:WaitForChild("Lantern", 1)--math.random(1, 100)) if not existance then ---copy lantern local lantern_copy = RSS.Lantern RSS.Lantern.Parent = RSS ---move one of lanterns to workspace RSS.Lantern.Parent = game.Workspace else end end