local function LoadItems() for _, v in pairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do if v:IsA("Model") and v.Name == "ItemRoom" then if not v:FindFirstChild("Item") then print("no item bool") local ItemBool = Instance.new("BoolValue") ItemBool.Name = "Item" ItemBool.Parent = v local ItemFind, i = chooseRandomItem() local chosenItem = ReplicatedStorage.Items:FindFirstChild(ItemFind) -- err here... local ClonedItem = chosenItem:Clone() ClonedItem.Parent = v ClonedItem:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(v.ItemLocation.CFrame) ItemDesc() if chosenItem:FindFirstChild("OneUse") then table.remove(Items,i) end end end end end
idk why im getting an Argument 1 missing or nil...
Try this in the line 10 :
if ReplicatedStorage:FindFirstChild(Items).ItemFind == nil then --,,,,,,
Note : I am not a pro so don't judge me if it doesn't work.. I started learning Lua about just 2 Weeks ago