So I've got this scope script bound to "q" and whenever I scope in and then out, I'm back to Third-Person. Any way to avoid this?
01 | Tool = script.Parent |
02 | Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer |
03 | Cam = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera |
04 |
05 | Tool.Unequipped:connect( function () |
06 | Cam.FieldOfView = 80 |
07 | Player.CameraMode = "Classic" |
08 | if Player.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild( "Scope" ) ~ = nil then |
09 | Player.PlayerGui.Scope:Destroy() |
10 | end |
11 | end ) |
12 |
13 | zoomed = false |
14 | function ZOOM(key) |
15 | if key then |
They have added a StarterPlayer folder to roblox, in there there is a camera option to keep you in first person, without scripts
1 | Cam.CameraMode = "LockFirstPerson" |
I'm pretty sure that's what you're looking for.
EASY local plr = game.Players.localPlayer local cam = game.workspace.CurrentCamera local chr = nil
chr = character plr.CameraMode = 1
while false do wait () cam.CameraType = 0 cam.CoordinateFrame = (200,10,0) cam.focus = (200,7,500) cam.FieldOfView = 20 end
Put it in starter GUI