local function SaveVariables(Player) local plrStats = Player:WaitForChild("leaderstats") local Prestige = plrStats.Prestige local Level = plrStats.Level local Exp = plrStats.Exp local Guardian = Player:WaitForChild("Guardian") local Outfit = Player:WaitForChild("Outfit") local Quest = Player:WaitForChild("Quest")
local Skill_Folder = Player:WaitForChild("Skills") local Ab1 = Skill_Folder:WaitForChild("Skill1") local Ab2 = Skill_Folder:WaitForChild("Skill2") local Ab3 = Skill_Folder:WaitForChild("Skill3") local Ab4 = Skill_Folder:WaitForChild("Skill4") local Ab5 = Skill_Folder:WaitForChild("Skill5") local pos = 1 local id = Player.UserId local PlayerTable = {} table.insert(PlayerTable, 1, Guardian.Value) table.insert(PlayerTable, 2, Level.Value) table.insert(PlayerTable, 3, Exp.Value) table.insert(PlayerTable, 4, Prestige.Value) table.insert(PlayerTable, 5, Outfit.Value) table.insert(PlayerTable, 6, Quest.Value) table.insert(PlayerTable, 7, Ab1.Value) table.insert(PlayerTable, 8, Ab2.Value) table.insert(PlayerTable, 9, Ab3.Value) table.insert(PlayerTable, 10, Ab4.Value) table.insert(PlayerTable, 11, Ab5.Value) print(PlayerTable) PlayerStore:SetAsync(id, PlayerTable) print(PlayerTable)
For some reason the error i get is that -'103: Array is not allowed in data stores' i dont know what im doing wrong
You can't save tables to datastores unfortunately, but you can save strings! To convert a table into a string, use HttpService:JSONEncode(). To convert that encoded table into a decoded one, use HttpService:JSONDecode(). Example:
local function SaveVariables(Player) local http = game:GetService("HttpService") local plrStats = Player:WaitForChild("leaderstats") local Prestige = plrStats.Prestige local Level = plrStats.Level local Exp = plrStats.Exp local Guardian = Player:WaitForChild("Guardian") local Outfit = Player:WaitForChild("Outfit") local Quest = Player:WaitForChild("Quest") local Skill_Folder = Player:WaitForChild("Skills") local Ab1 = Skill_Folder:WaitForChild("Skill1") local Ab2 = Skill_Folder:WaitForChild("Skill2") local Ab3 = Skill_Folder:WaitForChild("Skill3") local Ab4 = Skill_Folder:WaitForChild("Skill4") local Ab5 = Skill_Folder:WaitForChild("Skill5") local pos = 1 local id = Player.UserId local PlayerTable = {} table.insert(PlayerTable, 1, Guardian.Value) table.insert(PlayerTable, 2, Level.Value) table.insert(PlayerTable, 3, Exp.Value) table.insert(PlayerTable, 4, Prestige.Value) table.insert(PlayerTable, 5, Outfit.Value) table.insert(PlayerTable, 6, Quest.Value) table.insert(PlayerTable, 7, Ab1.Value) table.insert(PlayerTable, 8, Ab2.Value) table.insert(PlayerTable, 9, Ab3.Value) table.insert(PlayerTable, 10, Ab4.Value) table.insert(PlayerTable, 11, Ab5.Value) local success, err = pcall(function() -- pcall just in case an error occurs PlayerStore:SetAsync(id, http:JSONEncode(PlayerTable)) -- Encode into a string, http:JSONDecode() to convert back into a table end) if not success then warn(err) return end end