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For looping a remotefunction creates a huge delay on server?

Asked by 3 years ago

Ok so i figured out why my script was creating a huge delay but i dont really know how i can fix it. Sooo the problem is that im for looping a remotefunction (from what im guessing). It creates a really big delay after a few moments. For example walking on client looks fine but on server looks delayed.


local function getobjects()
    return game:GetDescendants()

for i,v in next, getobjects() do wait()
        game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Prop:InvokeServer(v, tostring(p), v[p])


local PropRemote = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):FindFirstChild("Prop") or false

PropRemote.OnServerInvoke = function(plr, part, prop, value)
    part[prop] = value

Is there anyway to run these codes without using a RemoteEvent/RemoteFunction?

From what I see here you don't know how a Remote Function works. You should return something back to the client. So what I see here is you need a RemoteEvent. MarkedTomato 810 — 3y
0 If you still don't get how RemoteFunctions work there are a lot of Youtube tutorials explaining them. Since I've been coding I've never used a RemoteFunction so you'd rarely use them. MarkedTomato 810 — 3y
I do know how to use a Remote Function sir. What you're saying is completely different than what i asked. I get it that you are trying to help but if u do then atleast answer to my question. RemsFriend -24 — 3y
And also, you do not necessarily need to return something back to the client, or atleast in my case you dont. RemsFriend -24 — 3y

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