Some one any one HELP!, I have no clue how to cframe inside a script.
Goal: Move a Gun Model to a player, Position Correctly, Move Arms into Holding Position
Secondary Goal: Reload Animation
Third Goal: Sprint Animation, put gun down and lean forward a bit to sprint
Fourth: Breathing Animation on gun, gun moves slowly sways to make the effect of breathing
I know I'm asking a lot but if some one can at least point me in the right direction that would be helpful :D
I know I'm asking a lot but if some one can at least point me in the right direction that would be helpful :D
You should probably check out some videos on YouTube. This is some complicated stuff, and requires quite a bit of scripting. I recommend '1337ROBLOXTutorials', He is very in depth, and shows how to make the actual gun, and as for breathing, running, etc all you would have to do is move some C Frames. Experiment a bit. Sorry, I don't do much scripting. Hope I pointed you into the right direction!