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MarketPlaceService sometimes giving an error?

Asked by
Rukreep 15
3 years ago

When the player clicks a button, it will generate a math.random() number. If the math.random number is a valid place and the creation date is not the same as the updated date, it will teleport all players to that place. If the random number is not a place, or it has the creation date set as the same as the updated date, it will repeat the math.random number, then it checks again. But, sometimes, this error comes up:

MarketplaceService:getProductInfo() failed because HTTP 400 (Bad Request)

This is the piece of code:

    local games
    local name
    repeat games = math.random(1000,99999999)

    until  market:GetProductInfo(games).AssetTypeId == 9 and market:GetProductInfo(games).Created:gsub("T.*", "") ~= market:GetProductInfo(games).Updated:gsub("T.*", "") 
print("Valid game found!)

Why is this error happening and how can I stop it? Much appreciated.

Make sure to wrap them in a pcalls when requesting somthing from the Roblox website MarkedTomato 810 — 3y

1 answer

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Answered by
appxritixn 2235 Moderation Voter Community Moderator
3 years ago


Occasionally, you receive HTTP 400 (Bad Request) when using MarketplaceService:GetProductInfo(id).

I determined that the reason for your issue was an invalid asset id. When the error is received, I had a script output the id and then manually searched for the asset and the webpage redirected me to this page:


As @MarkedTomato said, it is good practice to surround HTTP calls with pcalls.

pcall information

A pcall will always return 2 values. The first value is if the code in the pcall ran successfully (boolean). The second value will either be the return value of the code in the pcall, or the error that was thrown, in string format.


local market = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")

local games
local name
local productInfo
    games = math.random(1000,99999999) 
    wait() -- added a wait to prevent exhaustion 
    local success,returnValue = pcall(function()
        productInfo = market:GetProductInfo(games) -- prevents unnecessary calls to GetProductInfo
    if not success then
        if returnValue == "MarketplaceService:getProductInfo() failed because HTTP 400 (Bad Request)" then -- if the asset ID is invalid
            print("Invalid ID: " .. games)

until  productInfo.AssetTypeId == 9 and productInfo.Created:gsub("T.*", "") ~= productInfo.Updated:gsub("T.*", "") 
print("Valid game found!")


If you have any more questions, or experience any errors, feel free to contact me via my Discord server.

Thank you so much! You're like a scripting wizard! Rukreep 15 — 3y

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