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"table.insert()" Not Working With "Filterdescendantsinstances," Why?

Asked by 3 years ago
Edited 3 years ago

Hello! So I'm working on a little project, and I made a short script that checks to see if a certain part is within the camera's view. It works and all; however, in the main game, there are parts parented to the player's camera that are also cframed to it. With this being said, I attempted to insert them using table.insert() to Filterdescendantsinstances; however, they are never inserted and thus cause problems. I tried other hacky ways to solve this but none were successful.

Here is the code:

function RayObject(Object)
    local Ignore = Object:FindFirstChild("Direction").Ignore
    local RayCastParamsF =
    RayCastParamsF.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Blacklist
    RayCastParamsF.FilterDescendantsInstances = {Ignore.Value, Character}
    for i,v in pairs(Camera:GetChildren()) do
        table.insert(RayCastParamsF.FilterDescendantsInstances, v) --this is what I'm talking about
    local Unit = (Object.Position-Camera.CFrame.Position).Unit
    local DotProduct = Unit:Dot(Camera.CFrame.LookVector)
    local RayResult =game.Workspace:Raycast(Camera.CFrame.Position, Unit*900, RayCastParamsF)
    local Distance = (Camera.CFrame.Position-Object.Position).Magnitude
    local CloseDistance = Object:FindFirstChild("Direction"):GetAttribute("CloseDistance")
    if RayResult then
        if DotProduct > .63 and RayResult.Instance == Object or Distance <= CloseDistance then
            return true

Does anyone know why this doesn't work or what I'm doing wrong?

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