so im creating a turbine failure game and im detecting the velocity that the turbin is going and represent it on a panel:
v = 0 rev = 0 maxVel = 1 MaxSpeed = false Levels = workspace.Level script.Parent.Parent.On.Changed:Connect(function() if script.Parent.Parent.On.Value == true then while true do script.Parent.CFrame = script.Parent.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(0,0,v) if rev >= 1000 and MaxSpeed == true then maxVel = 2 print('Broken') script.Parent.Parent.MainFan.ParticleEmitter.Enabled = true script.Parent.Parent.SecondaryFan.ParticleEmitter.Enabled = true end rev = rev+1 if v <= maxVel then v = v + 0.0005 Levels.Value = v else MaxSpeed = true print('MaxVel') end wait() end end end)
vel = workspace.Level Levels = script.Parent.Levfel vel.Changed:Connect(function() print(vel.Value) if vel.Value == 0.1 then Levels.Value = 1 warn(1) elseif vel.Value ==0.2 then Levels.Value = 2 elseif vel.Value ==0.3 then Levels.Value = 3 elseif vel.Value ==0.4 then Levels.Value = 4 elseif vel.Value ==0.5 then Levels.Value = 5 elseif vel.Value ==0.6 then Levels.Value = 6 elseif vel.Value ==0.7 then Levels.Value = 7 elseif vel.Value ==0.8 then Levels.Value = 8 elseif vel.Value ==0.9 then Levels.Value = 9 elseif vel.Value ==1 then Levels.Value = 10 end end)
but the panel script dont detect the vel.Value so how can i fix it
I don't know why you don't put the value in replicated storage, but you should. Anyways, your mistake is pretty simple, you made a spelling mistake at line 2 on the panel script.