Ok so I was working on remaking the old safe chat for fun and eventually I started getting "malformed string". It's for a script builder which has an NLS function. NLS takes a string which becomes the localscript's code and the parent.
(Sorry if messy code, I just copy and pasted it from the script) The localscript was working until I added this specifically:
{Name = "Game", Extras = { {Name = "Let's build"}, {Name = "Let's battle"}, {Name = "Nice one!"}, {Name = "So far so good!"}, {Name = "Lucky shot!"}, {Name = "Oh man!"}, {Name = "I challenge you to a fight!"}, {Name = "Help me with this"}, {Name = "Let's go to your game"}, {Name = "Can you show me how to do that?"}, {Name = "Backflip!"}, {Name = "Frontflip!"}, {Name = "Dance!"}, {Name = "I'm on your side!"}, }, }, {Name = "Game Commands", Extras = { {Name = "regen"}, {Name = "reset"}, {Name = "go"}, {Name = "fix"}, {Name = "respawn"}, } }, {Name = "Silly", Extras = { {Name = "Muahahahaha!"}, {Name = "all your base are belong to me!"}, {Name = "GET OFF MAH LAWN"}, {Name = "TEH EPIK DUCK IS COMING!!!"}, {Name = "ROFL"}, {Name = "1337", Extras = { {Name = 'i r teh pwnz0r!'}, {Name = 'w00t!'}, {Name = 'z0mg h4x!'}, {Name = 'ub3rR0xXorzage!'} }}, }, },
Script worked by removing this for some reason. Any help would be very much appreciated. (Also can someone explain to me why Malformed String exists? I've had it ruin another one of my projects)