I had a localscript, it worked fine, i added one print statement -print('test)'- then it didnt work, i removed the print, it didnt work again, i havent done anything to that script just added something to print and it didnt work again!
while wait(.5) do if math.sqrt((math.pow(script.Parent.badcirc.Position.X.Scale-script.Parent.circ.Position.X.Scale, 2))+(math.pow(script.Parent.badcirc.Position.Y.Scale-script.Parent.circ.Position.Y.Scale, 2))) <= 0.12 and game.Players.LocalPlayer.Leaderstats.Pass == false then print('nothing') --it worked before, now it doesnt, well i had something else here it worked but it didnt after i added this end end
i missed .Value, i didnt change the if statement though... must have been an accident