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How to get all children and do something to them?

Asked by 3 years ago

Hi, I have a script which I use where whenever the parent is touched, it makes all children visible. I've looked at GetChildren() and and GetDescendants() but they're read-only, and I need to be able to make the children transparent. Any help?

2 answers

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Answered by 3 years ago

This is simple, you only need to use an In Pairs loop and call GetChildren()/GetDescendants instead of a table, your script will automatically make all children visible, something like this:


1for i, v in pairs(Parent:GetChildren()) do
2    --Your script, "v" would be the instance your making visible

GetDescendants() example:

1for i, v in pairs(Parent:GetDescendants()) do
2    --Your script

Hope you know what an In Pairs loop is, if not watch this AlvinBlox video, he explains it pretty well

When doing GetChildren() and GetDescendants() it turns inside of the parentheses to a table like this for i, v in pairs({values}) do  end     and inside the table is all the children or descendants. MarkedTomato 810 — 3y
Thank you, this worked! I never knew about in pairs loops before but this is great! Dothemariobowp9 24 — 3y
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Answered by 3 years ago


Im not sure what exactly your going for but this should work. reply if it doesnt. i maybe able to help again.

You probably want to use a loop. more specifically an in pairs loop this should do the trick:

1local transparency = 0 -- 0 will make it visible while 1 will make it invisible
3local part = game.Workspace.Part -- change this to the part that will be touched
5part.Touched:Connect(function(hit) -- we put hit there incase we ever need the player in the future
6    for i,v in pairs(part:GetChildren()) -- loop through all the children
7        v.Transparency = transparency -- change the childrens transparency
8    end

There may be typos/capitalization errors. i didnt use roblox studio to write this

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