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Why won't my IntValue change?

Asked by 10 years ago

Background Information: FilteringEnabled is on. I'm using a RemoveEvent to send Data between the Server and the Client. The number gets transferred, but the IntValue value doesn't change. The IntValue is in the Gui with the Client Localscript. It does not work with FilteringEnabled off. The Gui does show up, so it is being called. It is NOT an error with the DoorStop. There is a variable number in the Server Script, and when you touch it, it fires the event, and the number does pass through, it just doesn't assign it to my IntValue like it's supposed too.

Okay, so I have a brick, so that when you do indeed touch it, it sends a Client event to the player, that part works. However, the number transfers, but the IntValue does NOT change. Whether it's from me referencing the IntValue wrong, or it's an issue with it in general.

My script is below:

event = game.ReplicatedStorage.OpenDoors

DoorVal = script.Parent.DoorValue

local tuple = {...}
if tuple[1] == "Door" then
DoorVal.Value = tuple[2]
script.Parent.Label.Visible = true
elseif tuple[1] == "DoorStop" then
DoorVal.Value = 0
script.Parent.Label.Visible = false

This is where the error resides, because I've manually changed the value (I.E: Changing the value, saving the game and going in game/Changing it then Play Solo.) and it worked. Please help, and thanks in advance.

1 answer

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Answered by 10 years ago

DoorVal.Value = tuple[2]

Where did you name [2]? May be in a different part of the script not shown. However, if there is nothing referencing [2] it has no integer to give it.


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