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Local Script not running even if the player can access?

Asked by 2 years ago

The script I'm trying to run is activated by another script by cloning it then turning the disabled to false. The first script works.

First Script: print("works")

local PotatoScript = game.StarterPlayer.StarterPlayerScripts.PotatoScript:Clone()
PotatoScript.Parent = game.StarterPlayer.StarterPlayerScripts
PotatoScript.Name = "PotatoScriptClone" .. tostring(plantNumber.Value)
PotatoScript.Disabled = false

The second script is just NOT RUNNING! Its in a place where the player can access but for some reason I even put a print in the first line and still does not run! Here it is:

local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local plantNumber = Player.plantNumber

local PotatoPlant = game.Workspace:WaitForChild("PotatoModel") .. plantNumber.Value


Any help is needed! Thanks!

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Answered by 2 years ago

Use A Remote Event

how? General_ChaosTv 2 — 2y

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