I made a local script that was supposed to clone the item the player has clicked into a template character in the workspace. Everything but the item showing up on the character works. There is no error.
template.TextButton.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() local result = game.ReplicatedStorage.Equipped:InvokeServer(hat) print(result) if result == "Equipped" then print("not wearing") game.Workspace["stab soundeffect"]:Play() local item = game.ReplicatedStorage.Accessories:FindFirstChild(hat.Name):Clone() item.Parent = game.Workspace.HatMODEL end if result == "Unequipped" then print("Already wearing") game.Workspace.HatMODEL:FindFirstChild(hat.Name):Destroy() game.Workspace["Among Us Swipe Card Error"]:Play() end local smoke = Instance.new("Smoke",game.Workspace.HatMODEL.HumanoidRootPart) wait(0.5) smoke:Destroy() end)