I want to make a clone of all the player's names with string values in server storage, but I don't know why this attempt won't work:
if roundCount() == 10 then if #game.Players:GetChildren() < 2 then roundmes:FireAllClients('insufficent player count') else if #game.Players:GetChildren() > 2 then print('test2') for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do local xx = Instance.new("StringValue") xx.Name = tostring(v.Name) xx.Parent = alivePlayers end for i,v in pairs(workspace._:GetChildren()) do end end end end
xx is the instance string with the player's name in server storage
This isn't working
Try having somebody refactor it for you, or attempt to use WaitForChild to see if an object's not loading in.
if roundCount() == 10 then if table.getn(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) < 2 then roundmes:FireAllClients("Not enough players.") else for index, value in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do local StringValue: StringValue = Instance.new("StringValue") StringValue.Name = value.Name StringValue.Parent = alivePlayers or game:GetService("ServerStorage"):WaitForChild("alivePlayers") end for index, value in pairs(workspace:WaitForChild("_", 5):GetChildren()) do end end end