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Need help with While loop, How do I decrease the number value when Humanoid's health is 0?

Asked by 2 years ago

I have a script that spawns a random zombie within a folder onto one of the 6 random blocks within a folder in the workspace. I have it so every time a zombie spawns, the number value is goes up by one.

But how do I get t so when you a zombie dies the number value decreases by one. And in turn will let the while loop keep going and replace the dead zombie?

local NPCS = game.ReplicatedStorage.Enemies:GetChildren() local number = 0 if number >= 0 then canspawn = true print("can spawn") end while canspawn do local ChosenNPC = NPCS[math.random(1, #NPCS)] local ChosenSpawn = math.random(1, 6) print(ChosenNPC) print(ChosenSpawn) wait(5) if ChosenNPC then clone = ChosenNPC:Clone() number = number + 1 print(number) clone.HumanoidRootPart.Position = workspace.EnemySpawns:FindFirstChild("Spawn"..ChosenSpawn).Position clone.Parent = workspace.EnemySpawns.Spawned clone:MakeJoints() if number >= 5 then canspawn = false print("Stoping spawning") end end end

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