Im making a ”Simon says” type game, is just that i dont want the ”hints” to be on the screen,but i want them to be on a part which has a SurfaceGUI which has a TextLabel in it. now im using that script:
the question is: what i should EXACTLY do , to ”move” the'Hint') on that part as a text?
blue = script.Parent.B yellow = script.Parent.Y red = script.Parent.R green = script.Parent.G while true do hint ='Hint') hint.Parent = workspace hint.Text = 'Get Ready' wait(4) hint.Text = 'RED' wait(6) blue.Transparency = 1 blue.CanCollide = false yellow.Transparency = 1 yellow.CanCollide = false green.Transparency = 1 green.CanCollide = false wait(10) blue.Transparency = 0 blue.CanCollide = true yellow.Transparency = 0 yellow.CanCollide = true green.Transparency = 0 green.CanCollide = true hint.Text = 'BLUE' wait(6) red.Transparency = 1 red.CanCollide = false yellow.Transparency = 1 yellow.CanCollide = false green.Transparency = 1 green.CanCollide = false wait(10) yellow.Transparency = 0 yellow.CanCollide = true red.Transparency = 0 red.CanCollide = true green.Transparency = 0 green.CanCollide = true hint.Text = 'GREEN' wait(6) red.Transparency = 1 red.CanCollide = false blue.Transparency = 1 blue.CanCollide = false yellow.Transparency = 1 yellow.CanCollide = false wait(10) red.Transparency = 0 red.CanCollide = true blue.Transparency = 0 blue.CanCollide = true yellow.Transparency = 0 yellow.CanCollide = true hint.Text = 'YELLOW' wait(6) red.Transparency = 1 red.CanCollide = false blue.Transparency = 1 blue.CanCollide = false green.Transparency = 1 green.CanCollide = false wait(10) red.Transparency = 0 red.CanCollide = true blue.Transparency = 0 blue.CanCollide = true green.Transparency = 0 green.CanCollide = true
Instead of creating a hint object, just point the hint variable to the text label in the surface gui.
local hint = workspace.part.surfacegui.textlabel hint.Text = "Lorem ipsum"