Im making a simon says like game, it just that i dont want the ”hints” to be on screen,i want them to be on a Part(Named: Part) that contains a SurfaceGui and a label,so i writed that: But,it just doesent work,please tell me what i need to do,im very very Noob.
blue = script.Parent.B yellow = script.Parent.Y red = script.Parent.R green = script.Parent.G while true do script.Parent.Part = 'red' wait(6) blue.Transparency = 1 blue.CanCollide = false yellow.Transparency = 1 yellow.CanCollide = false green.Transparency = 1 green.CanCollide = false wait(10) blue.Transparency = 0 blue.CanCollide = true yellow.Transparency = 0 yellow.CanCollide = true green.Transparency = 0 green.CanCollide = true script.Parent.Part = 'BLUE' wait(6) red.Transparency = 1 red.CanCollide = false yellow.Transparency = 1 yellow.CanCollide = false green.Transparency = 1 green.CanCollide = false wait(10) yellow.Transparency = 0 yellow.CanCollide = true red.Transparency = 0 red.CanCollide = true green.Transparency = 0 green.CanCollide = true script.Parent.Part = 'GREEN' wait(6) red.Transparency = 1 red.CanCollide = false blue.Transparency = 1 blue.CanCollide = false yellow.Transparency = 1 yellow.CanCollide = false wait(10) red.Transparency = 0 red.CanCollide = true blue.Transparency = 0 blue.CanCollide = true yellow.Transparency = 0 yellow.CanCollide = true script.Parent.Part = 'YELLOW' wait(6) red.Transparency = 1 red.CanCollide = false blue.Transparency = 1 blue.CanCollide = false green.Transparency = 1 green.CanCollide = false wait(10) red.Transparency = 0 red.CanCollide = true blue.Transparency = 0 blue.CanCollide = true green.Transparency = 0 green.CanCollide = true
change your title to something friendlier (and apologize) and ill help you (by solving your problem and by shortening your code down 81+ lines)
Try this script. Tell me if it doesn't work! I didn't test it yet.
local blue = script.Parent.B local yellow = script.Parent.Y local red = script.Parent.R local green = script.Parent.G local Text = script.Parent.SurfaceGui.TextLabel.Text local TextProperties = script.Parent.SurfaceGui.TextLabel TextProperties.RichText = true TextProperties.TextScaled = true local TextColor = script.Parent.SurfaceGui.TextLabel.TextColor3 SimonSays = true local WaitTime = math.random(6,10) --math.random will pick a number between A and B, Minimum and Maximum, This will come in handy to make random times. while true do if SimonSays == true then local Roll = math.random(1,4) --Rolling Dice, This picks what it'll show. if Roll == 1 then Text = "Red" TextColor = Color3.fromRGB(255,0,0) wait(WaitTime) blue.Transparency = 0 and blue.CanCollide = false yellow.Transparency = 0 and yellow.CanCollide = false green.Transparency = 0 and green.CanCollide = false end if Roll == 2 then Text = "Green" TextColor = Color3.fromRGB(0,255,0) wait(WaitTime) blue.Transparency = 0 and blue.CanCollide = false yellow.Transparency = 0 and yellow.CanCollide = false red.Transparency = 0 and red.CanCollide = false end if Roll == 3 then Text = "Blue" TextColor = Color3.fromRGB(0,0,255) wait(WaitTime) green.Transparency = 0 and green.CanCollide = false yellow.Transparency = 0 and yellow.CanCollide = false red.Transparency = 0 and red.CanCollide = false end if Roll == 4 then Text = "Yellow" TextColor = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,0) wait(WaitTime) green.Transparency = 0 and green.CanCollide = false blue.Transparency = 0 and blue.CanCollide = false red.Transparency = 0 and red.CanCollide = false end end end