I wanted to make a math game in Roblox to practice for myself. I created a ScreenGui and a ImageLabel in the gui as a frame. I used the AutoScale Lite Plugin to scale the size of the frame for it to fit on all devices. Here's a screenshot of what it looked like: (http://gyazo.com/88f0bb6945c7ce4c09bd70fd697498af)
But then I noticed something... When I playtested the game, you could still see a tiny part of the baseplate even when the frame is covering the whole screen in the studio. I tried fixing this problem by adding a script that makes the topbar transparent. It didn't work. Screenshot of the problem: (http://gyazo.com/c6bb239c46a4d680fa6d64d58cc0d84c)
local startergui = game.StarterGui startergui:SetCore("TopbarEnabled", false)
So is there another way to solve this?
So it's actually really easy to fix without a script or anything, as @ragdollkiiing2 said in the comments, however I think I have an easier way than theirs';
Make sure the frame's Size is set to '[1, 0] [1,0]', then go to the Parent, what should be a 'ScreenGUI', and enable the Property called 'IgnoreGuiInset' and that should fix the problem, hope I could help :)