Hi. I know it's possible to find if a player has a certain player-awarded badge but I am wondering if it is at all possible to check if a player has an official ROBLOX-awarded badge (E.G: Welcome to the Club, Administrator, etc.) in their possession.
I am looking to do this to try and update my chat GUI to show the ROBLOX icon for admins, without having to update the script with less/more admins if the admin list changes slightly.
Any help is appreciated, thanks!
As far as I know, there is currently know way to do this as it's not in the ROBLOX API.
I'm pretty sure ROBLOX have to manually add and remove administrator's usernames from a script that shows the admin badge next to their name in the leader board.
You can see this at line 174 in the core script on GitHub.
(Ooh, just realised the above link will help you with the admin usernames)
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