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How to disable the player bodies want to stay upright?

Asked by 2 years ago

Im making a game where the players body needs to have complete 360 degree rotation in all directions, but due to some of roblox's default code the players character has a default "push" to stay standing up, and if forced over it does that ragdolling thing where you cant control your player for a few seconds.

    uis.MouseBehavior = Enum.MouseBehavior.LockCenter;
    if character then
        local root = character.HumanoidRootPart
        if root then
            root.CFrame =,,cam.CFrame.lookVector.Y,cam.CFrame.lookVector.Z))

This is the code I have that makes the player character have the same rotation as the camera, and it works well but when i try and look up or down the players character has that default push back down so i cant look up or down.

I dont quite understand, can you elaborate or make a video/gif to show what is happening further? NarwhalAndMe 141 — 2y
Use BodyGyro and set the BodyGyro's CFrame instead of the part's CFrame. Parent it to the part you want to affect. appxritixn 2235 — 2y
Exert a greater force polar to where the player stands up, this will prevent them standing up. Taikamunan 15 — 2y

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