I'm using Datastore 2 and I followed AlvinBlox's tutorial, but while I'm in studio, my Coins don't show. I turned on "Enable Studio Access to API services" and I added a BoolValue named SaveInStudio that's set to true. It still doesn't show up. If I turn off "Enable Studio Access to API services", then I'll get errors saying HTTP 403. If it is on, then there is no errors, but it doesn't do anything in studio.
local DS2 = require(script.Parent.MainModule) local DefaultValue = 0 game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(plr) local coinsDS = DS2('Coins', plr) local leaderstats = Instance.new('Folder', plr) local coins = Instance.new('IntValue', leaderstats) leaderstats.Name = 'Leaderstats' coins.Name = 'Coins' local function updateCoins(updatedValue) coins.Value = coinsDS:Get(updatedValue) end updateCoins(DefaultValue) coinsDS:OnUpdate(updateCoins) end)
You didn't name the leaderstats folder to "leaderstats"