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Npc Cash For Kill Script Only Rewarding First Time?

Asked by 3 years ago

Hello! So I'm having an issue with this npc cash for kill script. It is placed inside my npc (Zombie) and after a player kills it, they receive 10 cash. However, it stops rewarding the player cash after the first "10 cash". I have tried dozens of different cash scripts and tutorials, but so far this is the only script that even partly works. If someone could give insight with an example script that would be much appreciated given that I am very new to scripting.

0101  game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player)
0202      local Zombie = script.Parent -- npc model
0303      local Humanoid = Zombie.Humanoid -- humanoid inside the model
0404      local Cash = player.leaderstats.Cash -- the money
0505      local CashReward = 10 -- amount of money I want to give when npc dies
0606      Humanoid:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Health"):Connect(function()
0707          if Humanoid.Health == 0 then
0808              Cash.Value = Cash.Value + CashReward
0909          end
1010      end)
1111  end)
Since you put it inside of the "PlayerAdded" function, it will only work once because the player is only added once. andarwniceguyjr 0 — 3y
ok i will try if i can Trorapantest1 13 — 3y

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Answered by 3 years ago


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