Check my original post "How Do I Change The Shoulder Camera Scripts In The "Auto Rifle" Model By Roblox To Change Plr Camera?" and check my second post "How Do I Change The Shoulder Camera Scripts In The "Auto Rifle" Model By Roblox Continuation? and check my third post "How Do I Change The Shoulder Camera Scripts In The "Auto Rifle" Model By Roblox Continuation 2?" (I'm sorry for how long these series of questions are, please answer if you can.)
--Continuation function ShoulderCamera:handleTouchToolFiring() if self.touchObj then if self.lastTapEndTime then -- and not (self.zoomState and self.hasScope) then local touchTime = tick() - self.lastTapEndTime if touchTime < self.touchDelayTime and self.currentTool and self.touchPanAccumulator.Magnitude < 0.5 and not self.firingTool and not self.applyingTouchPan then self.firingTool = true self.currentTool:Activate() end end else if self.currentTool and self.firingTool then self.currentTool:Deactivate() end self.firingTool = false end end function ShoulderCamera:isTouchPositionForCamera(pos) if LocalPlayer then local guiObjects = LocalPlayer.PlayerGui:GetGuiObjectsAtPosition(pos.X, pos.Y) for _, guiObject in ipairs(guiObjects) do if guiObject.Name == "DynamicThumbstickFrame" then return false end end return true end return false end function ShoulderCamera:onInputBegan(inputObj, wasProcessed) if self.touchObj then self.touchObj = nil wasProcessed = false end if inputObj.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Thumbstick2 then self.gamepadPan =, inputObj.Position.Y) elseif inputObj.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Thumbstick1 then self.movementPan =, inputObj.Position.Y) elseif inputObj.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Touch then local touchStartPos =, inputObj.Position.Y) if not wasProcessed and self:isTouchPositionForCamera(touchStartPos) and not self.touchObj then self.touchObj = inputObj self.touchStartTime = tick() self.eventConnections.touchChanged = inputObj.Changed:Connect(function(prop) if prop == "Position" then local touchTime = tick() - self.touchStartTime local newTouchPos =, inputObj.Position.Y) local delta = (newTouchPos - touchStartPos) * self.currentTouchSensitivity local yawInput = -delta.X local pitchInput = -delta.Y if self.touchPanAccumulator.Magnitude > 0.01 and touchTime > self.touchDelayTime then if not self.applyingTouchPan then self.applyingTouchPan = true self.touchPanAccumulator =, 0) end end self:applyInput(yawInput, pitchInput) self.touchPanAccumulator = self.touchPanAccumulator +, pitchInput) touchStartPos = newTouchPos end end) end end end function ShoulderCamera:onInputChanged(inputObj, wasProcessed) if inputObj.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then local yawInput = -inputObj.Delta.X * self.currentMouseRadsPerPixel.X local pitchInput = -inputObj.Delta.Y * self.currentMouseRadsPerPixel.Y self:applyInput(yawInput, pitchInput) elseif inputObj.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Thumbstick2 then self.gamepadPan =, inputObj.Position.Y) elseif inputObj.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Thumbstick1 then self.movementPan =, inputObj.Position.Y) end end function ShoulderCamera:onInputEnded(inputObj, wasProcessed) if inputObj.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Thumbstick2 then self.gamepadPan =, 0) elseif inputObj.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Thumbstick1 then self.movementPan =, 0) elseif inputObj.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Touch then if self.touchObj == inputObj then if self.eventConnections and self.eventConnections.touchChanged then self.eventConnections.touchChanged:Disconnect() self.eventConnections.touchChanged = nil end local touchTime = tick() - self.touchStartTime if self.currentTool and self.firingTool then self.currentTool:Deactivate() elseif self.zoomState and self.hasScope and touchTime < self.touchDelayTime and not self.applyingTouchPan then self.currentTool:Activate() -- this makes sure to shoot the sniper with a single tap when it is zoomed in self.currentTool:Deactivate() end self.firingTool = false self.touchPanAccumulator =, 0) if touchTime < self.touchDelayTime and not self.applyingTouchPan then self.lastTapEndTime = tick() else self.lastTapEndTime = nil end self.applyingTouchPan = false self.gamepadPan =, 0) self.touchObj = nil end end end return ShoulderCamera
The Script I tried to use but didn't work to change the CFrame of the player camera.
wait(5) local GUI = script.Parent.Frame local cam = workspace.CurrentCamera local UIS = game:GetService("UserInputService") local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local target = game.Workspace.TpBlock cam.CFrame = workspace.FocusPart.CFrame --The Part That I tried to make the player camera's CFrame = to the part but it didn't work because the shoulder camera script in the "Auto Rifle" Model By Roblox kept the camera at a single CFrame UIS.InputBegan:Connect(function(keyCode) if keyCode.keyCode == Enum.KeyCode.F then if GUI.Visible == true then GUI.Visible = false player.Character.LowerTorso.CFrame = target.CFrame *, 3, 0) end end end)